O & M Support
Delta International understands better than most firms what is at stake in facility operations and maintenance (O&M). Sustainability is an important aspect of the O&M process. . These activities include both planned preventive and predictive maintenance and corrective (repair) maintenance. Preventive Maintenance (PM) consists of a series of time-based maintenance requirements that provide a basis for planning, scheduling, and executing scheduled (planned versus corrective) maintenance. PM includes rectifying and replacing components. A well run O&M program should conserve energy and be resource efficient, while meeting the comfort, health, and safety requirements of the clients.
The goals of a comprehensive maintenance program include the following:
- Reduce capital repairs
- Reduce unscheduled shutdowns and repairs
- Extend equipment life, thereby extending facility life
- Realize life-cycle cost savings , and
- Provide safe, functional systems and facilities that meet the design intent.